4 Seasons

We are excited about this project and hope you are too, so we don’t want to wait until the full CD is ready to share the songs. So we have changed the approach! The songs that Guy Matthew has written can be divided into different seasons. This is mainly because each time of the year brings other experiences and also different  moods.

Winter :

Roadcompanion : title song of the project, mesmerizes about the hope and desire to be travelling together and  experience the world in all his various aspects.

“If you could be my pilot, I would travel this world forever”

On the other side of the bend : unfortunately we also lose people dear to us, along the way, sometimes much too early. This number is written for our  friends and family that are waiting for us, just on the other side of the bend.

Moonlight on the station : Stranded on a station in a provincial town of Sweden at night with -18 degrees. An autobiographic story ...

Ticket to a better world : Many times when you travel you see people living in deplorable circumstances in all different parts of the world. It makes you stop for a moment and think about the fact how well we are off.

“Something has got to change, sure we got to try to iron out the difference between you and I”

Ticket to a better world” is a call to action to start contribution. From our side we can tell you that the proceeds of the music will go to a good cause. Follow our website and facebook pages to follow what projects we are supporting !!

Surf to Itunes to download the latest songs of Road Companion